yoni mapping therapy

Art by Paulasgarbi

Pleasure is our birth right & our soft, beautiful, receptive, incredibly powerful Yonis are designed for us to experience this pleasure in its fullness, to birth our Hearts desires & to serve as a gateway to our Ancient Feminine Wisdom.

As Women release the armour our Yoni’s might be holding, the emotional body is also able to expand, creating space for women to ease-fully reconnect to their sexuality, radiant feminine essence & re-sensitise parts of their body that were previously shut down & numb.

This is a Sacred act of Rebellion.

Yoni Mapping Therapy gives you an opportunity to discover the potential of your Yoni, & to come back into a place of wholeness, love, respect and honouring for yourself
– reclaiming all of who you are.
Yoni Mappings potency comes from its ability to embrace all aspects of self: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual & sexual.
It also offers a deeply nourishing space where you can purely receive & discover your body.

YMT  is registered with the International Institute of Complementary Therapists (IICT) & Certified Yoni Mapping Therapists have successfully completed an intensive training course & abide by an ethical Code of Conduct.

Art by Paulasgarbi

What does a 3 hour Yoni Mapping session look like?

Yoni Mapping Therapy is an incredibly nurturing private one on one session, that is treated as a ritual to bring you into deeper alignment & connectedness with your Womb, Heart and Yoni.

Sessions start with a deep drop in involving
talk therapy & mentoring.
They then lead into a full body massage that
supports you to drop deeper into your body,
focusing on abdominal & pelvic massage,
as well as other points that assist in the
opening of your Womb, Yoni & Heart.
It is important the whole body feels devoted
to & worshipped & that your
Yoni is given time to surrender & relax into a place of trust.

Once you & your body are ready to proceed we begin with a Gentle external and internal
vaginal massage and mapping:
We are working to gently release tension,
allowing for anything that needs to surface the space to do so.

On a physical level
we are restoring blood flow, releasing pain, increasing sensitivity & connection to this part of our body.
Energetically & emotionally we can be clearing & healing anything from ancestral or even past life
programs & trauma, past sexual connections, shut downs around trusting your feminine power or even emotions from seemingly unrelated (to this part of the body) events.

We release areas of numbness, restriction, disconnection & muscle tension.
Together, we literally create a map of your innermost world – discovering what feels tight, what feels relaxed,
what feels good, where certain emotions are stored, how your internal pelvic
sensitivity is & more.

Communication & guidance is continued throughout the session as emotions & physical sensations arise as different areas are massaged.
There is space to ask questions at any time.

After the session,
women will often feel like their womb has come online, now awakened from its deep slumber,
resulting in a deeper connection with their body
& newfound sense of affection & respect for their vagina.
I find your intention strongly drives the uniqueness of the magic that arises.

I will also share practises for you to take home & continue with on your journey.

Debrief and follow up:
After your session, we have a little drop in chat about how you're feeling and if
anything arose for you that needs further support.

- Benefits of Yoni Mapping -

- Spiritual -

~Realign your mind, heart, womb & sex centres
~Re connect with your creative life force energy so to support you in manifesting your hearts desires
~Assist in creating deeper discernment & establishing clearer energetic boundaries
~Clear inter-generational trauma, lineage patterns & imprints & stuck trapped ancestral energy.

- Sex Life -

~Letting go of painful or uncomfortable sex
~Creating a deeper relationship with your Yoni can open
the door to understanding libido challenges
~Cultivating a deeper understanding for your
different pleasure zones
~Release guilt & shame conditioned programs around
our sexuality & Yoni
~Creating space to be able to explore your full pleasure potential
~Unlock more confidence in your body

- Physical & Emotional -

~Bringing spaces of numbness back into sensation
~Relax pelvic tension & help to relieve pain
~Aiding menstrual imbalances
~Re balancing patterns of ‘compensation’ where parts of the yoni walls may be overworking as
a result of ineffective engagement or held tension in other areas
~Supporting muscle engagement & pelvic organ balance,
alignment & wellness.
~Access to ligaments that can only be touched from the inside (you will be blown away by the
intricacies that you can feel going on)
~Support in your fertility journey
~Support in stepping through the ring of fire into menopause
~Being held in an incredibly nurturing, respectful & healing space after experiences of
sexual trauma, abuse / violation
~Allowing for the moving & release of old emotions
from past experiences
~Support in the healing journey from an
operation / abortion / miscarriage

- Post-natal -

~ Scar tissue healing for C-section,
episiotomy or natural tearing
~ Reconnecting to the new landscape of your Yoni
& pelvis after birth
~ Supporting emotional and physical healing
after a difficult birth

- Self care & exploration -

~ Inspiring a more loving & deeper connection with your Yoni
~ Inspiring a deeply embodied level of self-care & self-nurturing
~ Gain practices for pelvic wellness
~ Allowing space for deep listening to all the sensations that arise in your body

Sessions are 3 hours
~1 Session is a Soul Investment of $555

To book please fill out the form below or email directly

Every session is completely unique –
It is also normal to feel a little emotional or tender afterwards –
there can be so much going on with this incredibly sensitive
part of our bodies & this is incredibly potent work.

(Note: Yoni Mapping Therapy does not
in any way claim to replace appropriate
medical support or mental health care.
As Yoni Mapping Therapists we cannot promise that we can resolve any medical condition)

Yoni Mapping can create for women a sense of clarity about what’s most important in their lives
& inspires a potent honesty about what is
no longer serving.

It’s a reclaiming of an ancient practice & way of being.
It is an incredibly empowering experience that can help to
connect with who you are at your deepest core.
It’s about coming home to yourself.


I had the deepest most profound and exquisitely healing experience with Hannah. I received a 3 hour journey of Yoni Mapping. I had no expectations going into the treatment and was deeply touched by the potent beauty and medicine of this work. Hannah embodies the temple priestess energy with grace. She is grounded, heart centred and very present. I received a full body massage, deep womb belly massage externally and massage of my outer and inner yoni. She helped me to navigate and find parts of myself that were numb and painful to receive pleasure, and through gentle massage I was able to completely surrender, clear trauma and stagnancy from my womb and claim my power. Hannah was very present with boundaries and communication, checking in regularly if I felt safe and comfortable which made me feel so safe and held. I had some incredible visions, past life regressions. I let it all go, I cried and sighed, growled and howled. Let my voice and throat chakra blossom. Post treatment I am feeling so whole, connected to my feminine sensuality and gentle softness.
Thank you Hannah, your work is profound and I look forward to experiencing more of your offering.
-Sylvia Woods

I had so much love drop in during My Yoni Mapping session with Hannah. The whole session was Sacred from the minute I walked into the room, I felt protected and held by her, honored and revered. Hannah led me through a potent guided meditation, connecting me to my Angels and bringing me into full presence.
She was able to attune to my specific needs and sensitivity level. I could feel her unconditional love for my Yoni and with her clear communication I was able to fully surrender and relax into the experience of noticing parts of my intimate landscape that I’ve never had the patience to before. What then shifted for me was an awareness of new areas of my Yoni that I’d never felt sensation in before. It shifted my perception of self pleasure and internal touch. After Yoni mapping I desired to bring more patience and practice to understanding the majesty of a woman’s anatomy and touching the full range of my Yoni without the intention of simply seeking pleasure. Yoni mapping showed me that where there’s numbness there is also an opening of curiosity and potential. I recommend this experience to every woman.
~Saya Hayashi

I had the most incredible experience working with Hannah during a 3hour Yoni Mapping session. I had no idea what to expect going into this treatment, having never done anything like this before, and it absolutely blew my mind. Hannah was very communicative prior to my arrival and throughout the entire session. She lovingly held space, boundaries and I felt extremely comfortable allowing myself to completely drop into my body and move through a range of sensations, emotions, blocks, pain, and memories with Hannah as my guide. Hannah creates a safe, warm, non-judgment environment and I walked away feeling totally empowered and reconnected to my yoni and my feminine. I highly recommend booking a session with Hannah and I look forward to continuing to work with her. She truly is a magical goddess and a powerful healer.
-Leila Yazbek