1 on 1 sessions

In person sessions are currently being offered from a beautiful Honey Hut out the back of Mullumbimby. Working with the frequency of the Bees is profoundly special,
Their frequency is incredibly healing & restorative & you can feel their buzzing through the bed as we work together.

  • Womb Healing

    The Womb, the seat of our feminine soul, our internal guiding compass & the cauldron of our Feminine Magic, Creative Fire & Wisdom, when we are in connection with her, we have everything we need.

    Far too many women suffer from period pain & chronic health issues as a result of disconnection from their Wombs. A Womb healing can be incredibly transformational for every aspect of your life.

    Sessions are 2 hours & they include a full body deeply nurturing & restorative massage, A Belly, Womb & Breast Massage, we then begin to work with the womb energetically. This can involve Soul retrieval, Ancestral healing, past life healing, Chord Cutting, Clearing of Contracts etc, as well as gently releasing trauma & sexual partners. These sessions can transform every area of your life. They are a reclaiming of sovereignty & a coming home.

    Sessions are $250 for 2 hours

  • Kinesiology

    Kinesiology has the amazing ability to support your Mind, Body & Spirit to come back into balance, so that you can live your full potential in whatever way you set your heart to.

    What we can explore together, but not limited to:

    • Cultivate a Deeper Relationship with Self & your Soul
    • release & heal trauma in a safe space
    • clear ancestral imprints in your dna
    • Clear imprints, stories, contracts from past lives
    • Deepen your Intuition
    • Clear Limiting Beliefs, sabotages & Emotional Imprints
    • Voice Clearing- Learn to trust & back your Truth
    • Embody Inner Authority & Boundaries
    • Liberate your Expression
    • Heal your relationship to your Sexuality
    • work to heal specific physical health issues, injuries, pain ect.
    • Re-write Generational Oppression & Shame

    Sessions are $150 for 1.5 hours

  • Soul Recalibration Ceremony

    Step into a 3 hour Ceremony & leave feeling deeply held & restored.
    Receive a deeply nurturing session that includes Massage, Talk Therapy, Energy Healing & Kinesiology.

    The Energy Healing is weaved with the Massage & the Kinesiology allows us to communicate directly to your body & subconscious.
    Allowing us to pinpoint what is at the very heart of an issue & actually clear & release it.

    Kinesiology talks to your Soul through the cells of your body & taps directly into the body’s energy pathways, meridians, organs, tissues & brain.
    From here, we can create deep internal shifts, transforming how you relate to yourself & the world around you.

    These sessions will support you in aligning with where it is you desire to be heading.

    Sessions are $450 for 3 hours.

  • Yoni Mapping Therapy

    Yoni Mapping Therapy is an incredibly nurturing & profound way to support a deeper relationship with your Pussy, Womb, Heart & Feminine Soul.

    This is a gentle ceremonial space that works to release trauma, negative memories & emotions manifesting as pain & numbness that are being stored in the Pussy.
    As we come back from numbness through the pain, we can clear & heal the physical & emotional disconnect from this power centre in our bodies, creating more space for prana to begin to inhabit this part of our beings again.

    Women get off the table looking different, having brought life force back into the centre & seat of their feminine power.

    Sessions are an investment
    of $555 for 3 hours

If you are someone who feels like you might be on a big healing journey & may need a few sessions,
I highly recommend working together long term through a Mentorship Program.

Breath Work

How we breathe is how we do life & how we breathe day to day, during exercise & during sleep, can be used to regulate your nervous system as well as facilitate deep transformational healing, releasing trauma from the cells of the body without needing to go into the story from a cognitive place.
Breath work can also support in reducing Stress & Anxiety, Improving respiratory function, Boosting the Immune System, Enhancing athletic performance, sleep quality, connection to centre & self & improving cardiovascular health.

I am still completing my studies in breath-work, with breathless academy so I am offering 1 on 1, one hour breath work journeys by donation.
Subject to availability.

please fill out the form below
or email directly hannahvela.info@gmail.com