~ Sensuous ~
A Space where Magic
meets Science

This course beautifully weaves these
two worlds.
SENSUOUS will revolutionise your connection with Water to support you in deepening your relationship with your mind, body & Spirit & the expansion of your own Soul Mission.

As you create an embodied understanding of the work we cover together, you are also encouraged to share it in your own offerings so that the remembering of these Ancient Principles can begin to ripple into the Hearts, Wombs & Life Blood of every Woman on the Planet.

Sensuous is for the
Modern Day Medicine Woman.


Relationship with the Metaphysical
Strengthening Intuition, Psychic abilities & participation in Lucid Dreaming through deeper attunement to the Subtle Realms of frequency & information.

Relationship with our Sensual Waters, our Womb & Pussy
A Woman who is turned on in her Sensuality, is plugged into Life & its whispers, A Woman in deep connection with her Womb & Pussy is unstoppable.

Relationship with our Mind as the Creator of our Reality
When things aren’t going our way, we may consider ourselves victims of our circumstances, forgetting the power we have as
Master Creators of our World.
Our limiting beliefs are the only things in our way.

Relationship with the Bio Waters of our Body
Explore the significance of our Fascia, Spinal Fluid, Blood, lymph’s & kidneys through the lens of Biology, Quantum Physics & their Metaphysical impact.

- Relationship to Water -
To more deeply understand Water,
is to more deeply understand ourselves & our place in the Universe.
When we come to know her as the Conduit & Sustain-er of all Life,
as a Sentient being, a friend, ally & teacher,
our relationship with everything we know changes.

Women & Water

We share an Ancient Bond,
Consider for a moment…
The Blood in our Wombs that is governed by the Moon, the same as our Oceans,
The breaking of a Mothers Waters, accompanying new life into this World,
Our deep Sensitivity & attunement to the in-between worlds of Frequency & vibration,
Our shared ability, exclusive to us both, to sustain, nurture & give life,
The knowing that we are both bridges between Worlds.

There is so much to be remembered here,
And as Water holds all universal Memory, that is everything that has ever been since the beginning of Time… What better ally to be in deep relationship with & listening to.

The foundation of this work starts with this understanding

is the universe's Sensory Organ,
receiving, amplifying & transmitting frequency.
She is a conduit for Consciousness, connecting everything,
Holding all of creation within her belly.
Women are like Water…
We are a bridge between worlds,
And it is through our Sensuality, our Senses & our ability to more deeply attune to the subtle realms of frequency & information, that we can access & respond to absolutely anything it is that we need to create & align with our highest hearts desires.

SENSUOUS details



Explore Quantum principles, cutting edge Water Science, Epigenetics, occult knowledge in Ancient Feminine Mystery teachings,
Neural Re- programming & more.

Meet WATER, the source of life,
through a Scientific, Spiritual & Biological lens.

What you’ll get:

-6 x fortnightly ~90 minute deep-dive zoom sessions.
(Sessions can be in person if you are in the northern rivers)
-6 x fortnightly ~30 minute phone call sessions.
-Accountability and support via Whatsapp

-In between calls:
-You will receive weekly rituals & practices to support with integration
-Access to the relevant resources you need.
Content will consist of recorded transmissions
guided practices, reading material & personal rituals.

Like anything you will get out what you put in & this program is designed to be a radical level up in how you relate to life.

  • A deep, embodied feeling of connection to your Self,
    your Soul & all of life around you.

  • A transformed relationship with your Mind & its subconscious programming.

  • An unwavering connection to your Feminine Magic & Power, through your Sensuality, Womb, Pussy
    & their intelligence.

  • Feeling plugged into your Intuition, Psychic abilities & relationship with the subtle realms of the in-between.

  • Feeling like you’ve taken Quantum leaps in your personal evolution, on a Soul & Human day to day level.

  • You will trust your Soul Gifts & be ready to share them unapologetically with the world.

  • An intimate connection with Water as a friend, teacher & ally that will also transform your relationship with the World around you.

You’ll walk away from this container with:


I first approached Hannah desperate for guidance and soul searching. I was quite lost and frightened when I first started my journey with Hannah’s 3 month mentoring program. At first I was worried some of the practices were a little taboo, only because I had not been invited into such an honest, real and comfortable space like this before. As someone who was just learning about the power of the Womb and our intuition as a woman, I would definitely recommend Hannah’s program. I can’t bring to words how extremely grateful I am for our short 3 months together. She’s started the most important foundations I need to become the woman i’ve always dreamed of becoming. I can now handle things in a way that I could never before. I am more aware of my womb, heart, throat and mind. I listen to my intuition and I follow through with what she is telling me. As long as you stick to the material and practices, 3 months could be quite significant.

— Annalise Rose

“Working with Hannah was an absolute delight. And even though our three months felt like it went waaaay too quickly... I new deep down it was not the end. It was just the beginning. It felt like a warm arms open welcome home to my soul. She held me in a safe container where I could be myself and show up as I was with whatever arose in any given moment.  I felt loved, honoured and sacred. I got to watch some of my strongest limiting beliefs melt into nothing as Hannah shared many different tools to allow a healing process to take place. I loved that not one session was ever the same. We both intuitively felt into each session and went with what was needed in that moment. My journey with you Hannah been a very conscious, transformative experience. It has been a true stepping stone to remembering my worth and the power that I hold. A reminder of the courage and love that grows deep within me. And most importantly She showed me how in tune I already was and to trust my intuition, my heart. I am forever grateful for having this opportunity to grow with her. Words can only go so far. It is beyond the words. Its a feeling that I hold close to my heart. Thank you for being my mentor and guide. ”

— Sam Scullin

“Choosing to do this mentorship program was the best thing I ever did.
I was ready to feel it to heal it, scared but knowing if I didn’t face the darkness within it would take my life.
When I found Hannah I was lost, drowning in depression, anxiety and without knowledge on how to heal my broken heart or cope with life or my emotions. Hannah offered me love, support, tools and skills to understand, accept and grow from my experiences.
Since completing my mentorship with Hannah I feel reborn, back into my body, mind and soul. Present in each moment now my perspective is from a place of gratitude. Confidence now fills my heart making my dreams and passions clear. With the help of Hannah my core beliefs based around how I view myself have changed, a very positive shift that has led me to creating personal boundaries and standing true to who I am and what I wish to create in life to have the best impact I can and live in ailment to what’s important and meaningful to me.  I highly recommend working with Hannah Vella, she has the most beautiful intentions, work ethic and her magic is potent tailored to the individual.I’ll always hold a special place of love and gratitude for Hannah as she really was the turning point that brought me back home to me. ”

— Lucy Willson