3rd to the 11th of
October 2024

“Is there a single solution towards Harmony that applies to everyone on our planet? That is easy to understand & is relatable, accessible for all... I believe I have found it & the answer is Water”

— Dr. Masaru Emoto

the intention

I believe this work to be more important than ever right now, the mysteries & potential within Water are infinite & beyond comprehension.
Water has been one of my greatest teachers & ally’s, She is a conduit for consciousness & our wildest dreams. My dream, with Priestess of the Waters Retreats, Is to create a sisterhood of Women across the world, Women who will become carriers of the mysteries of Water. Who live & breathe an embodied, intimate connection with Water,
Women who understand her & who are ready to become her ally in whatever unique way their Soul is called to weave her teachings into their own purpose,
This Retreat is about amplifying your own gifts, your own Soul magic & coming into deeper relationship with Water to align with her as a teacher, ally, healer & friend.
I trust this will sing to the Souls of the Women who are destined to be a part of the wave of remembrance of ‘Water as Sacred’ across the planet. We are so excited to journey with you.


OCTOBER 3rd- 11th 2024

-8 nights, 9 days accommodation at Paradise Valley Lodge Rotorua NZ

-Multiple day excursions to local bodies of Water, Including Lakes, Geothermal Spring & Waterfalls. One particular special spot is Lake Rotopounamu; The Water Vortex of the Earth. Some say it is the heart chakra of the Earth, bridging with the White Spring in Glastonbury. The lake is extremely Sacred.

-Nourishing & delicious vegetarian meals made from fresh local ingredients cooked by private Chef Emily Christina Bell

-A traditional Māori Pōwhiri ‘Welcome to country opening ceremony’
with our co host Elle Ransfield

-Work with the Waters in your DNA & Blood for Ancestral healing
& remembrance of Ancient gifts from your blood line

-Master Classes bridging Science & the Spiritual to deeper understand the profound significance of Water, how she acts as an intermediary between our world/ the universe & how to work with her.

-Psychic development practices

-Daily Water Rituals & Ceremonies

-Daily Sensual Movement & Breath-work

-Ancient Feminine Mystery Teachings to remember & strengthen the Union between Women & Water.

  • Water as teacher

    Water is a conduit for consciousness & she holds memory. If we contemplate that for a moment we begin to realise the significance of her as a record keeper, as the same water that circulates the planet now, is the very same that has for millions of years. She remembers the gifts held in our blood from our Ancestors & every body of Water our Soul has ever been born into. If we open ourselves to listen to her as a teacher, the potential is infinite.

  • water as healer

    We all know that feeling of being called to the Waters edge when we are struggling. It is no mistake that religions all around the world employ water for the use of cleansing & renewal. As Water can be programmed with our intention & she connects everything, the potential to work with her as a healer is Miraculous. We will be exploring Water as a Healer, as well as exploring the role bio waters in our body play in our health & well-being.

  • water as ally

    As we deepen our relationship with & understanding of the Mysteries & potential within Water, we open ourselves up to how we can work with her & she can work with us, supporting & loving each other.What does it mean for you to be an Ally?How does it feel in your body to consider yourself an ally of Water?I’m calling in Women for this offering who are ready to deepen in ally-ship & service of Water, in their own unique way.

your facilitators

Hannah Vela is a Feminine Healing Guide, Speaker & Mentor in Water Mysteries, Sacred Sexuality, Pussy/Womb Sovereignty,
Dance & Embodiment.

Hannah’s been blessed to spend months out at sea over the past two years, coming into deeper relationship with whales in particular & this gift has began to reshape her work &
direction of purpose.

She believes that Water & the Magic of what it is to be a Woman, are inextricably linked, they are one & the same & it is through Women coming into deeper relationship with Water & their own internal Sensual, Emotional & Physical Waters that we will see a radical shift on the planet.

So for those who sense a deeper calling from the magic within & who are ready to step into their service led purpose,
Hannah will support you in fully
remembering the majesty of your own unique soul gifts with ease & grace.

Co Facilitator

Elle ransfield

Elle is Tangata Whenua by Whakapapa to Te Arawa.
(people of the land & the lakes of Rotorua).
Being born and raised in Australia she has been on a journey of reclaiming her roots. Elle’s genealogy descends from
Aotearoa (New Zealand), her tribe being Te Arawa.
Her life path has led her to being a catalyst for bridging the unseen & ancestral realms to the living, expressed through her passion for movement, healing & her voice. She leads from the heart, in ceremonial ritual & service to connect deeper into the body, the land & the waters.

the waters of rotorua

After my Greece Priestess of the Waters, I was incredibly curious to feel where the Waters would call us next,
Rotorua of New Zealand came through strong.
The thermal Waters of Rotorua, where liquid Fire meet Water, are known for their healing & restorative qualities.

In Māori culture, many tribes know Water to be the source
or the foundation of all life.
This is reflected in traditions which speak of Te Taha Wairua, often translated as ‘the spiritual plane of existence’ or ‘the dimension of two waters’, a conception that likens spirituality to Water.

The Māori, Hawaiians, Polynesians, Fijians,
etc are all ancient Sea faring people.
Their blood stretches back to an Ancient time where we lived in Reverence for the mysteries of Water.

I have personally felt that places where the lineage of the people once had or still has a strong connection to Water as Sacred; the Waters carries that Remembrance, The Water feels different, it gives & holds more,
all we need to do is listen.


- Paradise Valley Lodge Rotorua -

Private Chef Emily Bell

Emily Bell is continually inspired by the generosity of our Earth, by the diversity of our worldly cultures, and by the joyful experience of concocting whole food feasts with the ever changing seasonal abundance that surrounds her.   She creates and cooks intuitively to complement the unique needs of the people whom she is nourishing. Cooking is her pleasure, her meditation - She forages, She observes, she preserves, she stokes the fire, she asks questions, she ponders - and she deeply feels.
Food is indeed medicine and Emily is passionate about utilising and sourcing locally grown produce to maintain and preserve life force and to deepen connection with ourselves, each other and our environment.
She says, “when I serve you, my intention is to pleasurably satisfy your hunger and also to encourage you to be mindful of nourishing yourself, whilst also feeling a reciprocal relationship with the lands and creatures which have allowed this meal to be made. It is deep privilege to eat and share a meal in this way. Each meal is a blessing and a celebration. I can’t wait to serve you”.

Priestess of the Waters Retreat is an investment of $3,000AUD early bird

Early Bird Ends on the 12th of August.
Enrolment cut off is the 16th of September.

This price will increase slightly depending on which room you choose,
as there are a range of different sleeping options, ranging from $100 or $500 for the week,
options available will be sent to you when you apply.

Deposit of $555 will secure your spot.
(Open to this being paid in two halves if needed)

Flexible Payment plans available